Beyond its comedic portrayal of suburban life in the Stone Age, The Flintstones influenced a distinctive design aesthetic. Its animator, Ed Benedict, was responsible for the show's universe and crafted a style reminiscent of midcentury-modern architecture and reflective of the Southern California atmosphere of Hanna-Barbera's studios.
Bedrock, the setting of The Flintstones, blended elements of Palm Springs and Arches National Park with chunky, organic materials in natural, primitive shapes. This unique prehistoric-meets-midcentury-modern style has inspired architectural projects and evolved into a lasting aestheticknown as Bedrock, or as the kids call it today: Flintstones chic.
While it can fall into the cartoonish if taken too far, there aresome iterations that do it right, like our Chic Living's highlight on this week's feature. The key is to emphasize the chic over the Flintstones.
(Image via Objects With Narratives)